
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Chocolate Covered Chocolate Chip Cookies

If you are looking for a really easy but pretty cookie, why not try the Chocolate Covered Chocolate Chip Cookie?

First you make your favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe, I used Nestle's Toll House recipe.

Bake off the cookies and then let cool completely.  Gather the rest of your items:  Chocolate, sprinkles, parchment paper and a spoon.

I did two variations on this cookie.

For the first one, I dipped the end of the cooled cookie, placed it on the parchment paper and add the sprinkles.


For the second one, I took the cooled chocolate and drizzled the melted chocolate over the top and then added the sprinkles.

Personally, I liked the way the second one looks.  Also it was quicker, easier and used less chocolate.

Now you can either keep these babies all to yourself or be nice and share them.. It's up to you, no judgements from me!

To wrap them up to give away, here's what I did:

Take plastic treat bags (I used the smaller size), string or baker's twine, and scissors.

Bag them up, place in a pretty basket or container and you're done!

**Note: My chocolate was taking way too long to dry on the cookies so I put them on a baking sheet and stuck them in the fridge.

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