
Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Castroville Cafe

One of the few advantages about living in a small town are the local diners and restaurants.  One of disadvantages is when your town doesn't really have that and you have to go to the next town over.

Lucky for me, that town is only a few minutes away and the restaurant in mind is so worth it!

My first ever visit to the Castroville Cafe was about 8 years ago during Final Exams' week at my high school.  A friend's mom took us out to eat during a long break between exams.

I had not really spent much time in Castroville, what with San Antonio only a few more miles down the highway, what was the point of sticking around the four (now five) stop light town that was exactly like the town I was trying to escape... Anyway, we pulled up to the restaurant, which to me looked more like someone's house; which I think is exactly what it use to be.

It was the first time I had crepes and I was hooked!

For the next few years, I had tried to find the restaurant, but I couldn't remember where it was or what it was called; even though, "Castroville Cafe" isn't exactly a hard name to remember.

Finally last year, my mom and grandma and I were out doing something, I can't even remember that (I'm starting to think I have a terrible memory) and I saw it!

We pulled into the small and weirdly setup "parking lot"; it's basically a gravel driveway where everyone tries to squeeze their SUV's and pick-up trucks around a giant tree growing right in the middle.

I got the Rueben with a pasta salad and Tomato-Basil soup.  I can't remember what they got; I might not even have known, I was way too busy eating all my lunch!  Needless to say, they were hooked just like me.  Especially my grandma.

That brings me to now...

The other day, my husband, my grandma and I made our way our over to Castroville Cafe (yay!) and we were not disappointed.

I got the Rueben again (I'm nothing if not loyal to a good sandwich) and the chicken tortilla soup (it wasn't nearly as good as I remember the Tomato-Basil being, but it wasn't bad either). 

My husband, who is going through a serious obsession with all things bacon, got the roast beef club (with, you guessed it, bacon!), the chicken and dumplings soup and a Caesar salad.

And finally, my grandma, who weighs in at about 90lbs got the chicken salad on a crossiant and a cup of the chicken and dumplings soup.

All and all, it was a great meal!  I just hope it's not another year before I get to eat there again!

The Castroville Cafe is open Monday-Friday and Sundays: 11am-2pm
Located at: 309 Lafayette St, Castroville, TX 78009
Phone: 830-538-3400


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