
Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012: A New Year, A New Blog

It's that time of year again!  Resolution time.  Everyone has at least one, and everyone usually forgets about it before the Valentine's chocolates are in stores.  I've been guilty of it myself once..or twice.. ok! every January.  But this year is different.. maybe.. hopefully.. It will be!  

As part of my "New Year's Resolution" I am going to maintain a blog!  I know what you're probably thinking.. "Oh thank the good Lord, I can finally know what her thoughts on everything are!"  Well, you are in luck!  

I hope to use this blog throughout the year to record my experiences, successes, and yes, even failures, while I travel through my own culinary world, and I hope that you (if there is actually anyone reading this) enjoy what you see!

For my inaugural post I am going to list my goals for this year.  Things I want to try to make, bake or decorate, and so on.

10 Things I Want to Master 

  1. French Macaroons
  2. A Three Tiered Cake
  3. Petite Fours
  4. Have a clam bake
  5. Come up with health alternatives to “comfort food”
  6. Spaghetti Carbonara
  7. Wood-fire Grilling
  8. A “Julia Child” dish
  9. Cake Pops
  10. Truffles
Happy New Year!


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